What: Bring Your Partner Foosball Tournament
- Preceded by Minnesota Cup of Table Soccer
- Followed by No Conflict DYP
When: Saturday, November 3rd
Sign Ups/Start Times
- Minnesota Cup Sign Ups close at 2:00 (pre-registration strongly encouraged). First matches called at 2:15 pm.
- BYP Sign Ups close at 5:15 pm. First matches called at 5:30 pm.
- DYP Sign Ups close at approx 7:30, First matches at 8:00 pm.
Where: Jimmy's Pro Billiards 4040 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights
100% Payback plus $200 vendor kick-in split acroos the MN Cup ($150) and the BYP (50).
Minnesota Cup - $15 (per player*)
BYP - $11 ($6 beg/ladies).
DYP - $11
The MN Cup Final will occur at approx 7:30 pm (after the first two rounds of the bring are complete). Non-conflicting BYP matches will be prioritized on the other available tables during the Cup Final, but the DYP bracket will be drawn up at this time to start calling their matches shortly thereafter.
The Follow-up DYP is primarily meant for those eliminated from the BYP and MN-Cup Final at the time of sign ups. The precise format (R7 in losers? Size-cap; eligibility of those still in the bring) is TBD based on turnout, time, and interest.
MN Cup T-Shirts will be available for pre-order at the event (designed by Ben T!).
**More details about the MN Cup event here:
- MN Cup Details: https://www.minnesotafoosball.com/forum/upcoming-events/mn-cup-2018
If you cannot make it by 5:00 for the bring, but you can make it by 5:30, text Skip to let him know you're coming. All MN Cup teams are strongly encouraged to pre-register (I'm capping it at 8 teams). Skip can also be reached for any questions or concerns (763 four 5 eight eight two 4 three).

Curious about the MN Cup Format?
Here are the details:
Qualifying Round: 2:15-5:30
Finals: Approx 7:30
Qualifying Round:
This will consist in a Round Robin format where each team plays each other team in (at least) one match.
Round 1: Doubles (2/3)
Round 2: Singles Triathlon (2/3 - options: Singles, FSO, GW)
Round 3: Doubles Triathlon (2/3 - options: ITSF Doubles, Lott's Revenge, Speedball)
Round 4: Doubles (2/3)
Round 5: Singles Triathlon (2/3)
(Round 6: Doubles Triathlon (2/3))
Example Schedule for Team 1:
Round 1: Doubles v. Team 2
Round 2: Singles Triathlon v. Team 3
Round 3: Doubles Triathlon v. Team 4
Round 4: Doubles v. Team 5
We will just play as many rounds as we can reasonably fit until the bring start (approx 5-5:30) and then wrap up where everyone has had the opportunity to play the same number of rounds (hopefully 5-6). Each GAME you win counts as a point for your team. The top two teams with the most GAMES won after the qualifying rounds advance to the finals. MATCH wins will be the first tie-breaker. A Team Rondo game to 7 will break any further tie.
Main Rule determining Line-Ups:
The Eligibility Rule: - No player is eligible to play in their (n+1)th game until all players on their team have played in their nth game. (e.g. you can't play in your second game for your team until all team members have played (or are playing) in their first).
Team Rondo Rule for third Games: All third games (in a best of three) are to be run 'Team Rondo' style. That is, all members of your team will rotate in to play, with rotations occurring when your team is scored upon. In doubles formats, forward shifts out, goalie shifts up, player waiting in the wings shifts to goalie. Lineup order is up to the team captain as long as it is in compliance with the Eligibility Rule.
Finals will consist of a best of three matches of the three Round Formats: (Doubles, Singles Triathlon, Doubles Triathlon). Order of format will be chosen by coin toss (team that's behind picks second format).
-- ANY CUP DECIDING GAME will be played TEAM RONDO style -
Don't hesitate to post with any questions.....