A few of our most recent tourney results in Mpls. I encourage finalists to post them here if I'm not there that night.
Sat DYP at Jimmy's 12/14 (10 teams)
1st: Bill W/Roger L
2nd: Jared/Jordan
3rd: John W/Steve M
Tom/Wayne (WI)
Matt H/Carlos
Sat DYP at Jimmy's 12/21 (8 teams)
1st: EB/Roger L
2nd: Bill W/Doug R
3rd: Jordan P/Wayne A (WI)
Tom B/Ben T
Skip S/Jim F
Steve M/Gene P
Josh B/Mike R
Jared W/Matt H
Wed DYP at Mort's 12/18 (7 teams)
1st: Skip/Carlos
2nd: Brandon P/Ben T
3rd: Jordan P/Mike E
Jason C/Josh B
Steve M/Jared W
Gene P/Matt H
John W/Tom D