25 players participated across two events yesterday for the June MN Monthly. We were happy to see Tony Mason back on the table, Roger and Wayne down from Twin Ports, and Mike Phillips make his first appearance at a MN Monthly.
BYP Results - 11 teams
1st: Brazil/Phillips (DD)
2nd: Dave G/John W
3rd: Tristin H/Nate O
Skip S/Rick B
Terry S/Scott L
Dan D/Josh N
William W III/Chris M
Steve M/Jared W
Tony M/Wayne A
Tom B/Ben T
Wayne A (WI)/Roger L
Brazil was on point yesterday, motivated to play tough with his old partner (Mike-squared reunion). Although they were knocked in the loser's bracket after a tough first round match against Gummy and John, they won five straight matches to earn the rematch and won 4 straight for two scoops!
DYP - 8 teams
1st: John W/Skip S
2nd: Dan D/Roger L
3rd: William W III/Matt H
Ben T/Scott L
Chris M/Dave P
Steve M/Mike E
Wayne A (WI)/Nate O
Tom B/Rick B
Thanks to Jimmy's for hosting, John W for help with the draw, and all the players who came out to make the event a success.
Heads Up! The 'July' MN Monthly will be held in four weeks on Saturday June 29th to avoid conflict with the Independence day weekend. If someone would like to Co-TD and pick the follow-up event, let me know in the next week or so, otherwise I'll put out a poll with some possible draw formats. Hope to see many of you there!