- Saturday Singles/DYP Results -
We had an impressive turnout for our Third Saturday Mini-Monthly. (of course it'll need a better name: Saturday Singles Saturnalia? Singles Soiree? Foosball Festivus?)... A mix of new players, out-of-towners (thanks to the Duluth crowd for coming) and stalwart Jimmy's regulars made for a busy night.
We just barely squeezed time for both finals, but required a lot of shortened matches. This is the preferred standard format (2/3 DE for both the singles and draw). But future posts will lay out the modified formats on nights with larger turnouts to minimize race to 7's (especially in the finals).
Thanks to Josh B, Jared W, and Ben T for helping run the show. Be on the lookout for our next Singles/Draw event on 3/21 (always expect the third Saturday of the month, barring holiday etc).
Singles Results - 16 players
1st: Maertz 2nd: Bill W 3rd: Chris M 4th: Tom B Plus: Roger L, Skip S, Ringo, Mike E, Mike R, Keith, Josh B, Steve M, Jerry, Will F, Connor, Tom N
DYP Results - 12 teams
1st: Tom B/Dave P 2nd: Tom M/Tristin H 3rd: Chris M/Roger L Skip S/Mike R Mo A/Rick B Jordan P/Jared W Ben T/Tom N Bill W/Nate O Connor/Jerry Mike E/Will F Steve M/Keith N Doug B/Josh B