I'm starting to test out watch-parties on Zoom to stay connected to everyone and help players get their foos-fix while still sheltered-in-place. We had one on Sunday night with 10 attendees (including Taggert, Maertz, Kunst, and Gummeson).
I'll start hosting them on Wednesday nights including our next test watch party tonight at 7:30 pm. All foosers are welcome.
Polls determining which match we host are held in advance on facebook.
Tonight's watch party....
7:35 pm - Dube/Scrock v. Gummeson/Mohs
8:05 pm - Gummeson/T-Mac v. Winter/Nelson
8:30 pm - Further matches by request of the attendees
Feel free to text the link/password to other interested foosers.
Password: 364831
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82073921324?pwd=ZHBnUlZxTEdobko4ZXdIVHBFcWIwdz09
Stay calm and foos' on!
Join us for tonight's Foos Watch Party at 8:30
I'll host a few inside Foos Matches (including some MN local players), we'll catch up on life, analyze some fooz, and heckle the forwards (if they deserve it).
The Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84545323979?pwd=YkZ5cHd5alhUTEg5c2pjeXBKb2xEQT09
Password: 544752
The Line Up:
8:35 pm: Collignon v. Gummeson '09 Worlds
9:05 pm: Ray/Gilmore v. Anderson/Kimmerling '10 Milwaukee Fireball Open
9:30 pm: Match determined by party-goer request
All are welcome.